"Invert" is a groundbreaking men’s hairdressing collection by Andrew Plester of Hare & Bone, skillfully captured through the lens of award-winning hair photographer Chris Bulezuik. This bold and creative series seamlessly merges contemporary hair artistry with striking monochromatic hair photography, celebrating structure, texture, and individuality in men’s hair design.
Andrew Plester’s visionary approach to men’s hair styling takes center stage, showcasing sharp geometric details, avant-garde textures, and timeless silhouettes. Each image explores the contrast between sharp precision cuts and fluid natural textures, challenging traditional norms while elevating men’s hair artistry.
Recognized as a finalist for both the British Hairdresser of the Year (Men’s) and the Goldwell Global Creative Awards, this collection exemplifies the artistry and innovation that define Andrew Plester’s work. Shot with a focus on artistic flair and technical excellence, the collection underscores Chris Bulezuik’s expertise in professional hair photography, capturing every angle, line, and texture with masterful precision.
Perfect for inspiring hair stylists, photographers, and creative professionals, "Invert" is a celebration of boundary-pushing men’s hair design, cementing its place in the world of editorial hair photography and competition-winning collections.